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Major Salary Determinants

Presently, due to the increased environment awareness all over the world, this profession is facing a boom period. It holds a promising future with lucrative monetary gains. Still, there are factors like law degree, practical experience, nature of work and location that determine the salary of a public service lawyer.

Nature of Work

The salary drawn by an environmental lawyer depends on the nature of work chosen by him. In case of private practice, the lawyer gets an average start but earns higher with time and experience. Working as a salaried lawyer in legal firms, state or federal courts leads to a profitable gain of income. Similarly, if the lawyer works in a small scale company, the returns are lower in comparison to the returns obtained by working in a large scale company.

Qualification and Experience

Bachelor degree with a law degree is the ideal combination for a professional public service lawyer. The areas of study chosen for a bachelor degree can be air pollution and law policy, ecology and environmental sciences, administrative law, environmental economics, environmental ethics, environmental health law, environmental justice or environmental dispute resolution. A degree or a certificate course in the given streams is always better to earn well in this profession.


The place where a public service lawyer is practicing is also important for estimating the lawyer salary. More advanced a city with high environmental awareness, larger the salary of an environmental lawyer and vice versa. In similar terms, lower the cost of living in a particular city, higher the environmental law salary.


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