The skin is the largest organ of the body and covers the entire outer surface. The surface of the skin is usually about 25 square meters in the average person and the total weight is 25 pounds of skin. The skin protects the internal organs against infectious agents, it also helps regulate body temperature by producing sweat.
In addition, the skin also plays a role in protecting the body from the sun through the production of melanin (there is also the skin its color). The skin provides the body with the feeling of pain, joy, temperature and pressure to tender for the body danger of these sentiments.
The skin turns sunlight into vitamin D, one of the vitamins that the body is often lacking in. It is important to remember that the skin is a living part of the body and has to be maintained both inside and outside. It should also be given a lot of fluid inside the dehydration often seen in the skin condition before any symptoms are detected.
The layer, which we as "skin" a single layer of it. The epidermis is the part touching the skin look, and can be the part that we wash and maintain. This layer is thicker layer of living cells, then the last layer of dead cells that are constantly shed, you made the day. This layer does not use the blood supply to all and is the first line of defense against harmful microbes and bacteria. The next layer is the dermis, the bright red in appearance.
The dermis is where the nerve endings and nerve fibers, sweat glands and hair follicles can be found. Below is the subcutaneous tissue is a layer of fatty tissue. This layer helps to insulate the body against heat and cold. It is also the layer, the face and body of the individual form and character of the various deposits of fat globules are.
Finally, in this layer are showing the muscles, the facial expressions and reactions.
Healthy diet for healthy skin
There are certain foods that are good for the skin, and others who may be even better. But first it is necessary to remember that myths about the skin, particularly in relation to acne. It is not caused by the consumption of junk food, at least not directly, but a poor diet can lead to an overproduction of oil into the pores, leading to the possibility of acne help.
The better you take care of itself from the inside, the better your skin. These are the best foods in a number of categories:
The best vegetables - romaine lettuce gives you over 100% Daily Value Vitamin A helps the skin fresh, vital in increasing the turnover of skin cells every day. Novel also potassium minerals and provides 45% of the daily value of vitamin K. This vitamin is in the body needed to be a protein, to promote vascular health. (This prevents bulging varicose veins are often in the legs of the elderly.
Top fruit: strawberries - a cup of strawberries provides up to 130% of daily value of vitamin C, an antioxidant that the body produce collagen fibers ensure that the skin is smooth and solid help. It also helps protect against future wrinkles especially women with low vitamin C tend to have drier, wrinkled skin. Ellagic acid is an antioxidant in the body uses to prevent the sagging skin and is also rich in strawberries. Finally, they can reduce the risk of cancer with people who eat strawberries three times less likely to develop.
Best Protein: Soy - In a study, women in their thirties and forties who have eaten foods such as tempeh had improved the firmness of the skin and reduces wrinkles of the skin. The results are probably caused by a known soy isoflavone aglycone. Soy also helps the risk of: cancer of the lining of the uterus and ovaries, as well as diabetes and recurrence of breast cancer.
Hot Nuts: Almonds - A handful of almonds can vitamin E, which is considered to increase one of the most important antioxidants for skin health. Women who eat nuts at least twice a week are less likely to gain weight.
The best fat: Made with cocoa in dark chocolate - women who drank half a cup of cocoa-based chocolate grew in circulation in the skin to glowing skin, which lasted for at least two hours. It also leads to the skin softer and smoother with better hydration as well. An 8 oz cup of cocoa improved blood flow to the brain that can lead to a better functioning of the complex tasks. The increase in blood flow may also reduce the risk of certain dementias.
Tomato - lycopene in tomatoes and watermelons can enhance protection against sunburn, collagen can reduce the risk of heart disease by 34%.
Apples - apples are quercetin, an antioxidant that is found in their skin. This antioxidant protects against sunburn, and is the largest concentration of Monroe, Cortland, and Golden Delicious. Two or more apples a week during one year, the risk of heart disease death by 15%.
Nuts - walnuts are alpha-linolenic acid, an omega-3 to hold that the skin hydrated and supple. Only half an ounce of nuts provides 100% of the ALA. Nuts can also help through the provision of sleep hormone melatonin.
can virgin olive oil - virgin olive oil is a source of healthy fat and is also an excellent source of essential fatty acids the body does not do this alone. These essential fatty acids are used by the body to resist damage by UV radiation. Olive oil also contains hydroxytyrosol, can lower cholesterol, prevent obesity and reduce the risk of diabetes. It was also found to reduce the level of hunger between meals, we felt.
Whole Grain Foods - whole grain breads, pasta, cereals and other foods are rich in antioxidants, which a number of benefits for the body, including keeping his skin soft, smooth, and wrinkle free.
Hilary and healthy skin: A Case Study
Hilary washes his face with a mild cleanser twice a day, use a moisturizer, sunscreen and always ensure that they are only high-quality make-up and other products used on her face. She also makes sure she gets the best nutrition for the health of the skin to keep them much pure water hydrated. In addition to the above-mentioned foods, eats lots of fruits and vegetables Hilary and extra protein to your diet today so she is not hungry between meals. Protein is important for healthy skin and plays a number of roles in keeping it that way.
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Great ....You have beautifully presented your thought in this blog post. I admire the time and effort you put into your blog and detailed information you offer.
Thanks for posting this. i really had good time reading this.