Nutritional advice for acne sufferers

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Nutritional advice for acne sufferers


There are literally thousands of different ideas about nutrition and its effect on acne. I am not here to obscure any theory or talk about nutrition extreme changes in diet. I will try to give you general advice on nutrition and how it can help you fight your acne problem.


Water is probably the most important part of your diet to help prevent, acne. The good thing is, it is much easier. Sufficient drinking water is an important aspect of general health, and some of these helps with acne. The theory is that water helps regulate the digestive system by cleaning toxins that contribute to acne. You should drink eight glasses of water 80-10 ounces per day. This is only a starting point. Depending on how much you practice and it is hot where you live, you can drink more. Drinking water should not take such drugs, only one bottle of drinking water or water to drink with meals or water, every time you are at a well. It's that simple. Drink lots of water and help you to reduce your acne.

Vitamins and supplements

It is a great party food and acne, and I personally think is particularly useful in reducing acne, vitamins and food supplements. A key thing to realize about vitamins and supplements is that they are not usually heal acne, but they can be very useful in reducing acne and reduce redness.

1st From fish oil Fish oil is a popular dietary supplement. What people have discovered that the impact on health has been identified in addition to other fish oil significantly reduce acne. I do not know how exactly the fish oil, but it is revealed to be inflammatory, what it is, if nothing else means to reduce redness of acne. In addition, it is known that fish oils improve concentration. Ultimately, many people find that fish oil helps with acne, and there is nothing wrong with taking less money, try this.

2nd Zinc Zinc is a mineral that has proved useful in the prevention of acne. It regulates hormones reduce the occurrence of acne. Try it.

3rd Vitamin A-Vitamin A is an important vitamin for a healthy skin is known. People say it helps with acne, the fish oil as almost all the vitamins, he could not help, but it can not hurt to try it.

4th Vitamin E, Vitamin E is very important for the healing of the skin. Some people use it on the surface of the skin for healing / moisturizing, but it is also known that in the reduction of acne, when taken as a dietary supplement useful.

5th BC vitamin can help prevent acne, they are not mentioned, as far as the supplements before.

Avoid foods and foods that help

There are many groups of a conference on food and its effect on acne. I do not go deep into these groups, but I will tell you, the general consensus on the categories of foodstuffs.


Fatty Foods



Foods that can help:

Fast food, vitamins contained above.

Food Allergies

It is a difficult subject to talk to. This is not a general problem, but a specific problem. Some people acne can be caused by food allergy. To really know whether this should be a problem for you, you always remove parts of your plan and see how it affects your acne. Personally, I do not believe that food allergies are a major cause of acne, but it's something to consider.


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