Starting a diet for healthy skin

Author: prem // Category: , ,

There are several reasons for skin that is not healthy but diet is one reason. Refined foods like white flour, sugar, coffee and soda can deplete your energy, cause wrinkles, and just create unhealthy and unattractive skin. Why not choose a diet for healthy skin?

Of course, there are other reasons for unhealthy skin, such as the removal of smoking and poor nutrition, but play an important role in maintaining healthy skin. Your diet should have good proteins, fats, carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. Many nuts, seeds, grains, fruits and vegetables, milk, yogurt, milk and help keep your skin young and healthy. Let's take a look at what a diet for a healthy complexion.

Let's start with the family of B vitamins as the first step in a diet for a healthy skin. B1 aids in circulation, while B2 may prevent the formation of brown spots that are ugly. In fact, even if you have liver spots on B2 only 6 months and they disappear. B6 can improve the eczema. You can quickly see that the family of B vitamins is important for healthy skin. Vitamin B-rich foods are green leafy vegetables, nuts, whole grains, meat and liver.

A diet for healthy skin will also be the right amount of vitamin A, which also healthy hair and eyes. It is also good for a healthy circulation to your skin a healthy glow. Find a good source of vitamin A in dairy products, eggs, tomatoes, green vegetables, melon and papaya.

Vitamin C rich foods should be assessed on your diet for a healthy skin. He works with proteins for the production of collagen is the glue that protects your skin from sagging and wrinkles. It is also essential for healthy hair, teeth and eyes. It strengthens the hair so your skin has a pleasant tone and even the drought will reduce. Vitamin C is found in foods like broccoli, green peppers, tomatoes, lemons, oranges, melons, strawberries, kiwi, potatoes, cherries, currants and raisins.

A diet for healthy skin include foods rich in vitamin D. Of course, the Sun produces D, but it can also be found in milk, tuna, salmon, butter, or sprouts. You also need vitamin E to prevent wrinkles and premature aging. Vitamin E is found in wholemeal bread, milk, asparagus, broccoli, seeds billed, egg, olives, nuts and green leafy vegetables.

Your diet for a healthy skin requires proteins to the skin looking young. Collagen is a protein glue that keeps the skin, without wrinkles. Add protein foods such as avocados, nuts, fish, meat, poultry, eggs, dairy products, vegetables and wheat germ to your diet. Also unsaturated fats in nuts and vegetable oils. And of course you drink plenty of water to hydrate the skin.

A diet for healthy skin is also a plan for a healthy organs and an overall diet on health not only keep you young and healthy on the outside but also inside.


Diet Cure Acne - Is there such a thing? Our best advice Acne Diet

Author: prem // Category:

As difficult as it can be to a specific cause of acne to identify experts have demonstrated a link between acne and diet. However, little or no credible studies linking certain food groups to acne. That said, if someone suffering from acne, improve your nutrition and overall health is more than likely to help control your acne. The body has the right balance of nutrients to function properly and without health problems such as acne are more likely to wreak havoc on your body.

Anyone who tells you there is a special provision for acne is very likely their own interests at heart, for there is certainly no evidence to support it until now. Most people who suffer from this disorder is a combination of acne creams and cons of a change in diet can effectively control the disease.

Eating the right foods helps your body to strengthen the immune system more ammunition to combat acne. Therefore, there are foods that your acne condition worse and you naturally want these types of foods as much as possible.


Excessively oily skin may be a cause of acne. For this mise mimi, stay away from foods that are loaded with saturated fats or trans-unsaturated. Saturated fats are found in animal products like meat, dairy and poultry and in processed foods, fast food and chocolate.

This does not mean you should stay away from all fats, the body still needs the essential fatty acids, the trick is to eat in moderation and just try to have good (unsaturated) fats. Good sources of healthy fats are fish and flaxseed. Read the nutrition labels on foods before buying them, using a low-fat dairy products and cut the excess fat from meat. More stay away from fast food as much as possible!


Some experts have the option of a higher intake of protein can help control acne. This may have something to do with the theory that a higher intake of protein leads to a reduced production of the enzyme that causes the production of oil and thereby clogging the pores. Most people do not have enough protein in their diet is the most expensive macro-nutrients. So by increasing your intake of protein is often a good thing. Try not to exceed 2 g / kg body weight than is recommended by a professional.


Some studies have shown that zinc and vitamin A are useful in the treatment of acne. Zinc can be found in whole eggs, cereals and mushrooms. Zinc is a good reminder of the immune system. It also contains green tea in the diet can help reduce androgen production.

Acne Diet Suggestions

So what are some foods you should eat or avoid to help control acne? Here are some tips to help you with your diet to cure acne.

1. Milk - milk is good for babies and children, but it can not be very good for teenagers. This applies particularly to young people already struggling with acne. Therefore, if part of your diet cure acne, you can stop or at least reduce the amount of milk you make. Experts have shown that certain hormones in milk may be a causative agent of acne. This does not mean you should do your milk, a glass of milk a day will not hurt you in any way to cancel. Use skimmed milk or alternatives can help.

2. Sugar - as part of your diet cure acne, you can watch the amount of sugar you are taking. There is indisputable evidence that sugar causes acne. Therefore, avoid things like candy, soft drinks and chocolate. Cut them from your diet to cure acne. This will help moderate your blood sugar in the blood and keeps your energy level more consistent too.

3. Fish - Fish must be a big part of your diet to cure acne, eat more fish as possible. Besides being generally good for health, Omega-3 fatty acids in fish are essential to prevent acne and skin healthy. Good sources of omega-3 are tuna, cod and salmon. Fish oil can also be seen as a supplement of omega-3 fatty acids.

4. Vitamins - Acne can not your diet without vitamins, the most important are vitamin A and vitamin B5. If there are sufficient amounts of vitamin A is an ideal remedy for acne. Good for a healthy skin, vitamin E, part of your diet. Take a good multivitamin pill can work effectively.


Skin, hair and teeth - the benefits of healthy eating

Author: prem // Category: ,

Skin Care

The skin is the largest organ of the body and most exposed. Most people do not care for their skin - either due to hard work or due to pure ignorance.

Vitamins A, C, E, selenium and zinc are especially important to keep the skin healthy and beautiful. Foods rich in these vitamins and minerals:











Olive oil











This is just a partial list of foods rich in vitamins and minerals needed for healthy skin. Food and drinks you need to eliminate your consumption of alcohol, sugar and saturated fat reduction. Coffee and tea should be limited to two cups a day.

Because the skin often mirrors the health of the whole body, a healthy diet provides a healthy body and an additional benefit, healthy skin.

Healthy hair

Healthy hair depends on the consumption of foods rich in vitamins and minerals and proteins. inadequate protein intake over a long period can force hair into the resting phase with the formation of a few months later. Five amino acids are of particular relevance to hair growth - cystine, cysteine, methionine, arginine and lysine.

There a number of different specific hair vitamins and minerals that can play an important role in helping a person have a healthy head of hair. Vitamins needed for healthy hair are the vitamins A, B6, biotin, inositol, and folic acid. Minerals needed for proper hair growth are magnesium, sulfur, silicon and zinc.

Hair vitamins are more likely to be needed if a person is usually wrong or malnourished, their hair damage and may even stop growing. For example, brittle hair is an indication of iron deficiency while prolonged and severe hair loss can lead to inefficient functioning of the liver or thyroid.

Healthy Teeth

The health of your teeth and gums, the absence of plaque and debris, and the freshness of your breath can be a constant reminder of the state of your overall health. Usually means a healthy body and healthy teeth.

As for promoting a healthy skin and hair healthy, healthy diet (including plenty of fruit and vegetables) helps promote healthy teeth. These foods tend to help scrub the plaque off our teeth before they turn into tartar. The calculus is that the bags can cause the gums where bacteria can take root and cause decay.

Vitamin C can cause bleeding gums and loose teeth and sores in the mouth, the vitamin B complex is also essential to a healthy mouth as deficiencies can cause cracking and bleeding from the mouth and open wounds and injuries on both inside and outside the mouth.

Calcium is the super nutrient that keeps bones and teeth. Vitamin D is another important factor in maintaining healthy teeth and bones. Spending a total of about one hour per week in the sun usually have all the vitamin D you need.

In addition to causing other problems with our health, too much fluoride can cause permanent discoloration of the teeth of our children. It can also lead to degeneration of the brains and certain cancers. Be very careful to rinse well after brushing with fluoride toothpaste and a fluoride treatment after the dentist.


There is no way around it. The only way to healthy skin, hair and teeth healthy for your body the vitamins, minerals and proteins he needs to give a heating healthy and well balanced.

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