How beautiful skin, part 1 - the perfect system for radiant skin

Author: prem // Category: ,

We all want to know how shiny skin? A bright eye catching and sends a message of health and inner well-being and virility that many people find attractive.

While our expectations in this regard may have been wrongly inflated by artificially increasing the photos of models and celebrities on the covers of glossy magazines, it's certainly not impossible for a radiant and glowing skin is beautiful even without makeup or computer upgrades .

How can you reach? In the first of this series of articles about how a glowing skin, we see the importance of eating well. Let's right!

Radiant skin food

You must be healthy if you want your home to shine on the outside. Fixing your diet, your first course of action here. Yes, it takes discipline, but nothing good comes easy. Here are tips from the main diet for a glowing and radiant skin.

1. Stay away from refined sugars, especially soft drinks

A high intake of sugar is an unnecessary amount of stress on your system. It is estimated that the average American puts 135 pounds of sugar in their bodies each year. Your body is not like sugar and not me.

An important effect of sugar, the suppression of the immune system. It is generally considered the aging process, which means more wrinkles sooner to accelerate.

Soft drinks are one of the greatest evils here, and if you remove junk from your diet, you're already a big step. Make sure that you can not stop.

2. Eat lots of raw foods

The health benefits of raw fruits and vegetables is not a myth. Vegetables and fruits such as apples, carrots and berries are rich in antioxidants and natural vitamins and minerals. They also provide fiber, which ensures that your interior clean and reduces the risk of various harmful bacteria settle permanently in your colon.

3. Radiance vitamins

Vitamins that the greatest benefit to your skin to cover his A, C, E, K and some B-vitamins with a balanced diet and the possible addition of a good vitamin supplement you should not be a problem for many of these in your system.

In the next article in this series on how shiny skin, we will examine the importance of good skin care in the quest for a shiny and radiant skin.


Tips for a healthy skin diet

Author: prem // Category:

Unlike other parts of our body - a big belly, arms, soft, etc., the skin is a feature of our appearance that is impossible to hide. But by following some simple tips for a healthy skin diet, you can proudly and confidently show your shine with the best of them.

See results with vitamin C

This nutrient provides an excellent natural source of healing, which helps the skin crisp and clear. A great diet tip for healthy skin is to eat foods rich in vitamin C such as strawberries, tomatoes and / or citrus fruit every day.

Vitamin E for acne and more

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects cells against free radicals need. It is a natural healing and smoothing agent widely used in the treatment of skin diseases - especially acne. A tip for healthy skin diet is foods rich in vitamin E, such as avocados, carrots, chickpeas, oats, sweet potatoes, soy products and cheese - especially cheddar parmesan.

Vitamin A to the rescue

If your skin tends to be thicker than normal, a great diet tip for healthy skin is to make sure you get right amount of vitamin A in your diet. It helps to maintain and repair our tissues and membranes, and the production of sebum that the oily substance secreted by hair follicles in our skin to minimize. Foods high in vitamin A include eggs, apricots, melons and spinach.

'B' on your skin, Belle

Vitamin B is another essential nutrient for healthy skin fantastic. It helps retain moisture, helps prevent cancer of the skin and has anti-aging capabilities that can reduce wrinkles. Another tip for a healthy skin diet is to eat lots of foods rich in vitamin B, such as seafood, poultry, beans and peas.

Carbohydrates are cool!

Forget all the hype about reducing the amount of carbohydrates in your diet. Yes, many good things can be bad in any situation, but our bodies - including our skin - need carbohydrates to stay healthy. Keep this great diet tip for healthy skin in mind: A lack of carbohydrates in your body will result in a decrease in the amount of antioxidants that play a major role in combating the negative effects of free radicals. A diet that carbohydrates such as whole wheat bread, pasta and rice contains will help prevent premature aging that occurs when there is a lack of this element in your system.

Water everywhere

One of the best advice for a healthy skin diet is to drink at least 8 liters of water 6-8 times a day. It gives your body and your skin hydrated and also to rejuvenate your cells, while helping to eliminate toxins.

Sweet Dreams

Make sure you have adequate rest, because while you sleep, your cells regenerate. This is another trick important food source for a healthy skin because it prevents premature aging, while reducing puffiness and dark circles around the eyes.

Get the latest information about healthy systems the only real source visit our food pages for a healthy skin.


Healthy Skin Diet

Author: prem // Category:

A healthy skin diet is the key to a beautiful clear skin. Eating is a very important factor in skin care. fruits in daily diet. A balanced diet in all meals are a good balance of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Non-vegetarians have large amounts of protein in their diet, but a lack of vegetarian diet, they have the right amount of protein in their diet. Avoid eating all junk food, fried food and saturated tips to the skin in good condition, because the main cause of getting acne, pimples and break outs on the skin after a hormonal imbalance. Most people in this country eat too much fat and too little fiber and for most people a healthy diet is simple and easy to do. The transition to a healthy diet may just mean eating more fruits, vegetables, bread, cereals, potatoes and pasta. Zinc is to strengthen the immune system and optimal health. Selenium is an antioxidant mineral that will help reduce damage from ultraviolet rays. There are five basic food groups and healthy eating is to eat a variety of foods from all groups, but in the right proportions. The first is bread, potatoes, pasta, rice, noodles and cereals.

Secondly, there are fruits and vegetables. Thirdly, there are milk and dairy foods. fourth Meat, fish, poultry and legumes, and the final food containing fats and sugars. Proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins are the main food skin is needed to increase the supply if the skin is sagging older than actual age. Vitamin C is a vitamin very useful for keeping track of all the allergies away from body and help to improve the system. Immune Sugar is one of the main sources of carbohydrates, but it causes more harm than good if you have a control on the intake of sugar in the diet. Vegetarian protein lacking a proper vegetarian diet reduce their consumption of legumes, dairy products, and bacteria, which are rich in proteins,. Soybeans are also a great source of today and are available in various types of food in markets, such as pieces of soybeans, soy granules, soy flour, which is very good for the body and skin. Vitamin E protect your cells against free radicals. It is a powerful antioxidant that helps slow the aging of skin cells and promote a healthy skin.

Diet Tips Healhty skin

1. The food should be eaten hot, freshly prepared and should be in the right quantity.

2. Virudh Anna (food that is contrary to the other) should not be taken. Such as fruit salads prepared in processed milk or milk products should be avoided with fish.

3. The area around all consume food must be clean, pleasant and hygienic.

4. Spicy, warm, oily, spicy and fried foods should be avoided and therefore the junk food, fast food from outside should be avoided.

5. A large amount of water, liquids, juices etc must be taken to dryness of intestine and dump blood in the urine.

6. Fruit juices such as grape, lemon, etc. are recommended.

7. Selenium plays a key role in preventing skin cancer.

8. Zinc is to strengthen the immune system and optimal health.

9. Selenium is an antioxidant mineral that will help reduce damage from ultraviolet rays.

10. Vitamins are essential in the diet and they play a very important role in skin care.

11. Drink plenty of water.
