A healthy skin is not hereditary, but is produced by the body to function properly. When the body eliminate wastes efficiently, digesting nutrients from food and transportation from all parts of the body, the skin is also beautiful and healthy. How to get the body can not function properly? One way to apply the rules of natural skin-friendly. This scheme is based on the program of anti-inflammatory diet designed to address skin conditions such as eczema. What do suffer from skin conditions? Of course not, this regime is also very good for your overall health. The following guide for you.
The consumption of alkaline foods
In general, human tissues and blood alkaline. Therefore you should consume foods and beverages that have an alkaline effect on the body and avoid foods that in fact the form of the acid. Are all alkaline body? Some body parts such as the stomach, while the production of acids acids for digestion.
How do I know the acidity of the body? You can do a blood test from a doctor or a saliva or urine using pH strips. This band consists of litmus paper changes color on contact with a substance that is acidic or alkaline. When the body has a balanced pH, reading in the range between 7.0 and 7.5.
All foods that produce acid? food producing acid in the vinegar are the worst (except apple cider vinegar), alcoholic beverages, margarine, pork, beef, salmon and mackerel. Moreover, foods such as coffee, black tea, yellow cheese, mustard, beans / peas, most beans, flour and rice flour products and products with a high sugar content also acidic.
However, you do not completely avoid those foods. You can eat in moderation, limit yourself to no more than 3 drinks per day. Two measures that are equivalent to 2 drinks or a cup of coffee or the equivalent size of the salmon and sardines are generally consumed in a meal.
Which foods are alkaline? Choose drinks that are high in chlorophyll. You can also use liquid chlorophyll is available in the pharmacy to increase the intake of vegetables. This may help neutralize the acid in the body so the blood does not condensation.
You can also add to the consumption of alkaline foods such as spinach, peppers, broccoli, carrots, cucumbers, cabbage, sweet potato, avocado, asparagus, garlic, onion, radish, raw tomatoes and lemon and lime (although the second type of sour orange but alkaline in the blood). Another way to balance the alkaline foods to limit caffeine consumption at least 4 days a week, try it without alcohol, smoking and drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day to avoid. Moreover, coupled with a friendly probiotic supplements for the intestinal flora.
The development of food moisture on the skin
Certain types of fat wet to the skin. GLA are good fats (found in evening primrose oil), EPA, DHA and omega-3 (all found in oily fish and flaxseed).
Omega-3 in particular is very good for the skin. You can get sardines, trout and herring. Although salmon and mackerel are acidic, but also rich in omega-3. You can also these good fats in flaxseed, walnuts and green vegetables.
Try taking supplements of omega-3 when dealing with various problems such as dry skin, psoriasis, rosacea, dandruff or premature aging. If you vegetarians can use flaxseed oil as a substitute. Also, make sure you eat fish two to three times a week.
There is also a good idea to saturated fats found in dairy products, meat and fried foods. These foods can cause inflammation, dry skin and premature aging. Moreover, these bad fats also increase the risk of heart disease, asthma, eczema and acne. So make sure to fat intake and increase food that helps to protect the adverse impacts such as onion, ginger, turmeric, red wine, vitamin E and selenium limit.