Get a healthy skin due to natural food

Author: prem // Category: ,

A healthy skin is not hereditary, but is produced by the body to function properly. When the body eliminate wastes efficiently, digesting nutrients from food and transportation from all parts of the body, the skin is also beautiful and healthy. How to get the body can not function properly? One way to apply the rules of natural skin-friendly. This scheme is based on the program of anti-inflammatory diet designed to address skin conditions such as eczema. What do suffer from skin conditions? Of course not, this regime is also very good for your overall health. The following guide for you.

The consumption of alkaline foods

In general, human tissues and blood alkaline. Therefore you should consume foods and beverages that have an alkaline effect on the body and avoid foods that in fact the form of the acid. Are all alkaline body? Some body parts such as the stomach, while the production of acids acids for digestion.

How do I know the acidity of the body? You can do a blood test from a doctor or a saliva or urine using pH strips. This band consists of litmus paper changes color on contact with a substance that is acidic or alkaline. When the body has a balanced pH, reading in the range between 7.0 and 7.5.

All foods that produce acid? food producing acid in the vinegar are the worst (except apple cider vinegar), alcoholic beverages, margarine, pork, beef, salmon and mackerel. Moreover, foods such as coffee, black tea, yellow cheese, mustard, beans / peas, most beans, flour and rice flour products and products with a high sugar content also acidic.

However, you do not completely avoid those foods. You can eat in moderation, limit yourself to no more than 3 drinks per day. Two measures that are equivalent to 2 drinks or a cup of coffee or the equivalent size of the salmon and sardines are generally consumed in a meal.

Which foods are alkaline? Choose drinks that are high in chlorophyll. You can also use liquid chlorophyll is available in the pharmacy to increase the intake of vegetables. This may help neutralize the acid in the body so the blood does not condensation.

You can also add to the consumption of alkaline foods such as spinach, peppers, broccoli, carrots, cucumbers, cabbage, sweet potato, avocado, asparagus, garlic, onion, radish, raw tomatoes and lemon and lime (although the second type of sour orange but alkaline in the blood). Another way to balance the alkaline foods to limit caffeine consumption at least 4 days a week, try it without alcohol, smoking and drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day to avoid. Moreover, coupled with a friendly probiotic supplements for the intestinal flora.

The development of food moisture on the skin

Certain types of fat wet to the skin. GLA are good fats (found in evening primrose oil), EPA, DHA and omega-3 (all found in oily fish and flaxseed).

Omega-3 in particular is very good for the skin. You can get sardines, trout and herring. Although salmon and mackerel are acidic, but also rich in omega-3. You can also these good fats in flaxseed, walnuts and green vegetables.

Try taking supplements of omega-3 when dealing with various problems such as dry skin, psoriasis, rosacea, dandruff or premature aging. If you vegetarians can use flaxseed oil as a substitute. Also, make sure you eat fish two to three times a week.

There is also a good idea to saturated fats found in dairy products, meat and fried foods. These foods can cause inflammation, dry skin and premature aging. Moreover, these bad fats also increase the risk of heart disease, asthma, eczema and acne. So make sure to fat intake and increase food that helps to protect the adverse impacts such as onion, ginger, turmeric, red wine, vitamin E and selenium limit.


10 Tips for a healthy lifestyle

Author: prem // Category:

With all the emphasis on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, sometimes we give some basic things that help us achieve that goal. We will look at some of these today. Many may seem a matter of common sense, but if you you on your way to a healthy life.

1. Drink plenty of water. It is suggested that we consume 8-10 glasses a day. This includes the water we get from foods and beverages, other than we have. A good tip is to have a drink before dinner. Sometimes we are not really hungry, but they are dehydrated.

2. We all know that eating fruit a day is recommended. But did you know that it is best eaten between meals or before meals. If you eat right after a meal, your body will store as much energy.

3. You should eat protein at every meal. Some excellent sources of protein include fish, beans, meat, protein bars and shakes. Your body needs the protein to make sure you get enough of them.

4. There are certain foods that are best avoided. This would include potatoes, white bread, instant oatmeal and chips. The reason is that these are foods that the body quickly breaks down into sugar.

5. Start a regular exercise program. If you are not in the habit of exercise start slowly and work your way to something more intense. Choose something you enjoy. If you like the type of exercise you opportunities to further the long-term incentives. Over time you work your way to 3-5 times per week for 30 minutes or more. You will be amazed by the energy it gives you and improve your mood. Trying to incorporate weight training into your schedule. It's a great way to naturally increase your metabolism.

6. Include raw vegetables in your daily diet. Nutritionists tell us that the darkest of vegetables is more it is rich in nutrients. Concentrate on those dark green, orange, dark purple and black. This gives you more benefits.

7. You must eat smaller meals with snacks. Eat every two to three hours is optimal. This course will help you increase your metabolism and is essential for healthy weight control. Peanut butter on a cracker is a good example of a case, you should include. If you wait until you're hungry, it may be too late. This causes your body to go into a state of fasting.

8. Including fatty acids. Ground flaxseed is a good source of food or cereal. It also gives you the fiber.

9. Eat foods rich in fiber. These foods will help control cholesterol as the feeling of satiety. Some examples of these foods would whole grain, fibrous vegetables and legumes are. You can also take a look at the supplements as there are good ones out there. Want to talk to your doctor before starting any supplementation program.

10. raw nuts and seeds are a good source of essential fatty acids. You must be limited. amounted to about a handful. These fatty acids not only help us burn fat, but अल्सो that we had a healthy skin, hair and nails.

These are simple things that can be done to your overall health. You will see and feel much better knowing the fundamental ways to change or improve your lifestyle.

If you are looking for information and advice to improve your health, visit our blog for Healthy Living for Life immediately. You're on your way to happier and healthier life.


Raw food diet - three main reasons to eat raw food

Author: prem // Category:

There are many important benefits to be drawn by following a raw food diet. Not the least of which is a healthier skin, a slimmer waist and more energy levels.

Raw food more energy

I do not know who eats a minimum of 80% raw diet is not that much more energy than the average person who eats a diet consisting of cooked and fully processed.

I find myself left with a diet consisting of bread, dairy and cooked food to eat, and started my journey on a raw diet, my energy has increased as a missile.

Do not confuse this with the surge of energy you get from an espresso or some of these so-called energy drinks, but I knew the type of non-renewable and nervous energy and keeps you on top of your game all over the stage days.

First and foods rich in nutrients - full of energy

There are several reasons for the gross food give you more energy.

Raw foods have many important enzymes that cooked foods. Enzymes are important for virtually all metabolic processes, digestion and healing in the human body. When most of the food boils at temperatures above 118 degrees Fahrenheit, destroy the enzymes present in all natural foods.

Therefore, a diet consisting of cooked food before and / or frozen can not get enough key enzymes naturally, which means that your body needs to properly assimilate and make their own food use.

The more energy your body needs to use the food leaves less for other activities to break.

By cooking and / or cooking, especially in a microwave, nutrients and enzymes are important ingredients in the water leached and destroyed or made unusable by the microwave.

Shedding unwanted weight and a healthy skin

Another desirable quality of food gross income are able to make it easier for a few extra pounds to lose and appearance of your skin. A large percentage of people switching to a diet of raw foods have noticed significant weight loss and restoring skin elasticity and youthful.

uncooked foods also contain much more water than the type-dried and processed foods that most people eat on a daily basis. Staying well hydrated is the most important aspect of promoting good digestion and keep the skin looking young.
